Queue Management System

Queue Management System is a customer flow management system designed specifically for managing queues in any service-based organization like banks, financial institutions, hospitals & clinics, public offices, among others.

With the Easy-Q Management System, show that you care about your customers. Happy customers are Satisfied Customers!

A small investment towards customer care goes a long way. The Easy-Q PCQMS makes the customers' visits to your organization easy and comfortable. The system accounts for all the events that a customer undergoes, from entry to exit within the organization premises.

The main objective of Easy-Q Queue Management System is to make the process of delivering services more efficient with better queue management.

Benefits for Organization

Ensures smooth and sequential flow of customers resulting in transparent queuing

Reduces manpower requirement

Ensures effective time management

Creates a good environment and enhances goodwill of the organization

Increased customer satisfaction and positive word of mouth

Benefit for Management

The statistical data on customer flow provide proper feedback to the managers to monitor and resolve issues such as working hours, processes, workload, and the like

It enables managers to organize staff and resources quickly and efficiently

Benefit for Customers

Customers do not have to keep standing in long queues to secure their spot

Reduces stress

Instant access to information such as waiting time and appointment time

Fair and inclusive queuing system from the customers' perspective

Cloud QMS

Cloud QMS is a unique value proposition, all the QMS work flows are handled by a central server, or hosted by us.  

The benefits of Cloud QMS are:

Central Server or SAAS

All the data / processing is done centrally. If you have 100's of branches then everything is managed centrally. Less resources to managed.

Data Analytics

Use our ready made real time reports or statistical reports. 

You need customized reports.

Use Tableau or Power BI

3rd Party Software Integration

Use our API's to integrate to third party software or build your own app.

Requirement Analysis

All requirements are unique.

Lets us know your requirements and we will get back to you!


QMS Client Profile